Moving Material Resources Safely With Care : MM Machinery Pvt.Ltd. (MM Enterprise) Single Girder and Double Girder E.O.T. Cranes are designed and manufactured in accordance with IS/BS/DIN. Considering adequate factors of safety with respect to appropriate duty, the structural parts of the cranes are designed in accordance with IS/BS/DIN. MM Machinery Pvt.Ltd. (MM Enterprise) also manufactures / utilises standard components and controls to ensure reliability.

  • Span : 3 mtrs. to 35 mtrs.
  • Safe Working Load : 0.5 ton to 100 ton
  • Drive System : Accordance with IS/BS/DIN Structural Parts and Other
  • Class of Duty / Standards : Equivalent to M3, M5, M7, M8 as per IS/BS/DIN Miscellaneous Parts with IS/BS/DIN
  • Speeds : Selected depending on client specifications / applications / shed dimensions